Luohe China station arrival, departure time of T255- Zhengzhou to Guangzhou

Station Name: Luohe, China
Train Name: T255- Zhengzhou to Guangzhou
Arrives at: 17:31
Departs at: 17:33
Duration/Halt: 1:29

Distance Covered: 140km
City Name: Luohe, China
Cost of hard Seat: $4
Cost of soft Seat:
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper: $13/$13/$12

More stoppings of T255- Zhengzhou to Guangzhou

All stoppings of T255- Zhengzhou to Guangzhou
All departures and Arrivals of Luohe station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
T255- Zhengzhou Railway Station 16:02 16:02 0:00
T255- Changge 16:36 16:39 0:34 64km
T255- Xuchang 16:52 16:58 0:50 86km
T255- Luohe 17:31 17:33 1:29 140km
T255- Zhumadian 18:07 18:17 2:05 206km