Gongmiaozi China station arrival, departure time of L186-L187- Wulate Qianqi to Fuyang

Station Name: Gongmiaozi, China
Train Name: L186-L187- Wulate Qianqi to Fuyang
Arrives at: 7:30
Departs at: 7:30
Duration/Halt: 0:00

Distance Covered:
City Name: Wulate Qianqi, China
Cost of hard Seat:
Cost of soft Seat:
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper:

More stoppings of L186-L187- Wulate Qianqi to Fuyang

All stoppings of L186-L187- Wulate Qianqi to Fuyang
All departures and Arrivals of Gongmiaozi station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
L186-L187- Gongmiaozi 7:30 7:30 0:00
L186-L187- Baotou 8:32 8:42 1:02 74km
L186-L187- Yulin 13:16 13:28 5:46 378km
L186-L187- Suide 14:45 14:57 7:15 480km
L186-L187- Taiyuan Railway Station 18:43 18:59 11:13 754km