Chaozhou China station arrival, departure time of K800-K797- Shantou to Wuhan

Station Name: Chaozhou, China
Train Name: K800-K797- Shantou to Wuhan
Arrives at: 17:50
Departs at: 17:55
Duration/Halt: 0:30

Distance Covered: 37km
City Name: Chaozhou, China
Cost of hard Seat: $2
Cost of soft Seat:
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper: $5/$5/$4

More stoppings of K800-K797- Shantou to Wuhan

All stoppings of K800-K797- Shantou to Wuhan
All departures and Arrivals of Chaozhou station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
K800-K797- Shantou 17:20 17:20 0:00
K800-K797- Chaozhou 17:50 17:55 0:30 37km
K800-K797- Jieyang 18:15 18:20 0:55 62km
K800-K797- Fengshun 18:42 18:45 1:22 90km
K800-K797- Meizhou 19:55 20:15 2:35 171km