Wangfu China station arrival, departure time of K7303- Changchun to Baicheng

Station Name: Wangfu, China
Train Name: K7303- Changchun to Baicheng
Arrives at: 17:26
Departs at: 17:28
Duration/Halt: 1:37

Distance Covered: 115km
City Name: Qianguoerluosi, China
Cost of hard Seat: $4
Cost of soft Seat: $5
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper:

More stoppings of K7303- Changchun to Baicheng

All stoppings of K7303- Changchun to Baicheng
All departures and Arrivals of Wangfu station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
K7303- Changchun 15:49 15:49 0:00
K7303- Nongan 16:42 16:45 0:53 64km
K7303- Halahai 17:05 17:08 1:16 92km
K7303- Wangfu 17:26 17:28 1:37 115km
K7303- Songyuan 17:56 18:04 2:07 149km