Zhurihe China station arrival, departure time of K3- Beijing to Erlianghaote

Station Name: Zhurihe, China
Train Name: K3- Beijing to Erlianghaote
Arrives at: 18:32
Departs at: 18:34
Duration/Halt: 10:45

Distance Covered: 675km
City Name: Xilin Gol League, China
Cost of hard Seat:
Cost of soft Seat:
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper:

More stoppings of K3- Beijing to Erlianghaote

All stoppings of K3- Beijing to Erlianghaote
All departures and Arrivals of Zhurihe station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
K3- Beijing Railway Station 7:47 7:47 0:00
K3- Zhangjiakou South 11:05 11:13 3:18 196km
K3- Datong Railway Station 13:51 14:15 6:04 374km
K3- Jining South 16:03 16:09 8:16 501km
K3- Zhurihe 18:32 18:34 10:45 675km