Jiaxing China station arrival, departure time of K198-K199- Longyan to Shanghai

Station Name: Jiaxing, China
Train Name: K198-K199- Longyan to Shanghai
Arrives at: 15:26
Departs at: 15:30
Duration/Halt: 21:26

Distance Covered: 1081km
City Name: Jiaxing, China
Cost of hard Seat: $24
Cost of soft Seat:
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper: $43/$42/$40

More stoppings of K198-K199- Longyan to Shanghai

All stoppings of K198-K199- Longyan to Shanghai
All departures and Arrivals of Jiaxing station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
K198-K199- Longyan 18:00 18:00 0:00
K198-K199- Zhangping 19:34 19:42 1:34 68km
K198-K199- Yongan 22:14 22:25 4:14 172km
K198-K199- Sanming 23:25 23:29 5:25 221km
K198-K199- Shaxian 0:05 0:12 6:05 247km