Galgamuwa Sri Lanka station arrival, departure time of Colombo Fort To Alawwa - 4452

Station Name: Galgamuwa
Train Name: Colombo Fort To Alawwa - 4452
Train Numbere: Colombo Fort To Alawwa - 4452
Runs Upto:
Departs at: 14:33
Type: Mixed Trains
Running Days: Daily

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More stoppings of Colombo Fort To Alawwa - 4452
All departures and Arrivals of Galgamuwa station

Train- Station Name Runs Upto Departure Time
Omanthai - 4089 - Galgamuwa Omanthai 2:26
Omanthai - 4461 - Galgamuwa Anuradhapura 6:37
Omanthai - 4001 - Galgamuwa Omanthai 8:45
Omanthai - 4017 - Galgamuwa Vavuniya 9:22
Omanthai - 4081 - Galgamuwa Medawachchiya 10:00