Azad Pakistan station arrival, departure time of Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)

Station Name: Azad, China
Train Name: Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)
Arrives at: 3:58:00
Departs at: 4:00:00

More stoppings of Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)

More stoppings of Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)
All departures and Arrivals of Azad station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time
Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)- Quetta 8:00:00
Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)- Sar-i-ab 8:20:00 8:25:00
Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)- Spezand Jn 8:45:00 9:20:00
Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)- Wali Khan 10:14:00 10:16:00
Zahidan Mixed Passenger (up)- Sheikh Wasil 11:36:00 11:39:00