Faqirabad Pakistan station arrival, departure time of Peshawar Mixed (dn)

Station Name: Faqirabad, China
Train Name: Peshawar Mixed (dn)
Arrives at: 16:53:00
Departs at: 16:55:00

More stoppings of Peshawar Mixed (dn)

More stoppings of Peshawar Mixed (dn)
All departures and Arrivals of Faqirabad station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time
Peshawar Mixed (dn)- Peshawar Cant 13:30:00
Peshawar Mixed (dn)- Peshawar City 13:40:00 13:50:00
Peshawar Mixed (dn)- Nasarpur 14:00:00 14:02:00
Peshawar Mixed (dn)- Taru Jabba 14:08:00 14:10:00
Peshawar Mixed (dn)- Pabbi 14:22:00 14:24:00