Haji Chand Pakistan station arrival, departure time of Kasur Mixed (up)

Station Name: Haji Chand, China
Train Name: Kasur Mixed (up)
Arrives at: 5:48:00
Departs at: 5:50:00

More stoppings of Kasur Mixed (up)

More stoppings of Kasur Mixed (up)
All departures and Arrivals of Haji Chand station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time
Kasur Mixed (up)- Pakpattan 4:00:00
Kasur Mixed (up)- Chah Nur Muhammad 4:15:00 4:16:00
Kasur Mixed (up)- Maulviwla 4:26:00 4:28:00
Kasur Mixed (up)- Haveli Wasawewala 4:36:00 4:38:00
Kasur Mixed (up)- Kila Deva Singh 4:48:00 4:50:00