Sohan Bridge Pakistan station arrival, departure time of Attock Passenger (dn)

Station Name: Sohan Bridge, China
Train Name: Attock Passenger (dn)
Arrives at: 18:38:00
Departs at: 18:39:00

More stoppings of Attock Passenger (dn)

More stoppings of Attock Passenger (dn)
All departures and Arrivals of Sohan Bridge station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time
Attock Passenger (dn)- Attock City 16:00:00
Attock Passenger (dn)- Jhalar 16:23:00 16:24:00
Attock Passenger (dn)- Sulaimanabad 16:30:00 16:31:00
Attock Passenger (dn)- Basal Jn 16:40:00 16:42:00
Attock Passenger (dn)- Domel 16:47:00 16:48:00