Beijing Western Railway Station China station arrival, departure time of T284-T281- Baotou to Hangzhou

Station Name: Beijing Western Railway Station, China
Train Name: T284-T281- Baotou to Hangzhou
Arrives at: 22:14
Departs at: 22:30
Duration/Halt: 10:24

Distance Covered: 691km
City Name: Beijing, China
Cost of hard Seat: $16
Cost of soft Seat:
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper: $30/$29/$28

More stoppings of T284-T281- Baotou to Hangzhou

All stoppings of T284-T281- Baotou to Hangzhou
All departures and Arrivals of Beijing Western Railway Station station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
T284-T281- Baotou 11:50 11:50 0:00
T284-T281- Baotou East 12:08 12:12 0:18 16km
T284-T281- Hohhot Railway Station 14:13 14:21 2:23 165km
T284-T281- Jining South 16:38 16:44 4:48 323km
T284-T281- Zhangjiakou South 18:49 19:01 6:59 501km