Changchun China station arrival, departure time of K1394-K1391- Jiamusi to Zhifu

Station Name: Changchun, China
Train Name: K1394-K1391- Jiamusi to Zhifu
Arrives at: 5:01
Departs at: 5:09
Duration/Halt: 10:49

Distance Covered: 753km
City Name: Changchun, China
Cost of hard Seat: $18
Cost of soft Seat:
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper: $32/$31/$30

More stoppings of K1394-K1391- Jiamusi to Zhifu

All stoppings of K1394-K1391- Jiamusi to Zhifu
All departures and Arrivals of Changchun station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
K1394-K1391- Jiamusi 18:12 18:12 0:00
K1394-K1391- Tangyuan 18:49 18:51 0:37 50km
K1394-K1391- Xianglan 19:07 19:10 0:55 69km
K1394-K1391- Haolianghe 19:24 19:27 1:12 87km
K1394-K1391- Nancha 20:22 20:28 2:10 153km