Cangzhou West China station arrival, departure time of D61- Beijing to Qingdao

Station Name: Cangzhou West, China
Train Name: D61- Beijing to Qingdao
Arrives at: 18:39
Departs at: 18:41
Duration/Halt: 1:24

Distance Covered: 210km
City Name: Cangzhou, China
Cost of hard Seat: $18
Cost of soft Seat: $11
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper:

More stoppings of D61- Beijing to Qingdao

All stoppings of D61- Beijing to Qingdao
All departures and Arrivals of Cangzhou West station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
D61- Beijing Southern Railway Station 17:15 17:15 0:00
D61- Langfang 17:36 17:47 0:21 60km
D61- Tianjin South 18:06 18:13 0:51 122km
D61- Cangzhou West 18:39 18:41 1:24 210km
D61- Duzhou East 19:11 19:12 1:56 314km