Xinxiang China station arrival, departure time of 2152-2149- Rizhao to Weibin

Station Name: Xinxiang, China
Train Name: 2152-2149- Rizhao to Weibin
Arrives at: 4:25
Departs at: 4:25
Duration/Halt: 9:02

Distance Covered: 630km
City Name: Weibin, China
Cost of hard Seat: $8
Cost of soft Seat:
Cost of hard/soft Sleeper: $16/$16/$15

More stoppings of 2152-2149- Rizhao to Weibin

All stoppings of 2152-2149- Rizhao to Weibin
All departures and Arrivals of Xinxiang station

Train- Station Name Arrival Time Departure Time Halt Time
2152-2149- Rizhao 19:23 19:23 0:00
2152-2149- Nvnan 20:12 20:14 0:49 80km
2152-2149- Linyi 20:52 20:56 1:29 134km
2152-2149- Feixian 21:25 21:28 2:02 178km
2152-2149- Pingyi 21:55 21:57 2:32 221km